Lingua: English

  • 2012 Opera Ultima

    20 12 Opera Ultima (english version coming soon) 1) Opera Ultima come Work In Progress. Opera in tensione. Tendente ad essere. Opera in corso d’opera. Incompiuta. In agonia. Lavoro di cui venire a capo. Finalmente.[read]2) Opera Ultima come Capo-Lavoro. Non primo di tutti i lavori, il più eccelso di un’intera opera d’artista, ma ultimo lavoro d’apprendista. Opera…

  • 2006 Metameria

    20 06 Metameria Both Metameria, an iron sculpture composed of 23 parts, and Come fosse in ascolto, made of 21 parts in white terracotta, are organized on a plane, on a longitudinal axis,[read]in order of decreasing size, symmetrical to a central element, or “in a rhythm of crescendo and diminuendo,” as the artist says, borrowing…

  • 2016 per metameria

    20 16 Metameria [Video] Per Metameria – like other videos at, the web project by Ferruccio Ascari – has been developed from a sculpture of the same name from 2006, composed of 23 pieces.[read] As for other works in this period, it belongs to a cycle of pieces that investigate the question of symmetry…

  • 2016 Promethèus

    20 16 Promethèus [Video] The video can be seen as a development of Artisti contro il nucleare, made by Ferruccio Ascari at the time of the Referendum in 2011[read]on the proposal to resume the production of nuclear power in Italy. The visual material on which the artist draws is the same: an installation of slender…

  • 1999 Libro Muto

    1999 Libro Muto

    19 99 Libro Muto [vc_images_carousel images=”3096,3097,3098,3099,3100,3101,3102,3103,3104,3105,3106,3107,3108,3109,3110,3111,3112,3113,3114,3115,3116,3117,3118,3119,3120,3121,3122,3123,3124,3125,3126,3127,3128,3129,3130,3131,3132,3133,3134,3135,3136,3137,3138,3139,3140,3141,3142,3143,3144,3145,3146,3147,3148,3149,3150,3151,3152,3153,3154,3155,3156,3157,3158,3159,3160,3161″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_no” hide_pagination_control=”yes”]

  • 2015 Libro Muto Video

    20 15 Libro Muto [Video] There’s a story behind this video: the artist found some old history and geography books in Braille[read]and some ships’ logs written on a daily basis by the office charged with fixing the position of the Vittoria, a freighter traveling in 1936 from Italy to India. Years after this find, the…

  • 2015 Impermanenza Video

    20 15 Impermanenza [Video] The Impermanenza (“Impermanence”) video work is based on a previous work by the artist – an installation of the same title from 2013, comprised of three towers built with hundreds of tree sticks of decreasing sizes.[read]Again here, the video takes the original work out of its inherent stillness, lending it a…

  • 1981 Quiescente Obliqua

    19 81 Quiescente Obliqua (english version coming soon) Quiescente Obliqua è stata presentata per la prima volta nell’ambito della rassegna Paesaggio Metropolitano,[read]a cura di Giuseppe Bartolucci, alla Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna di Roma, nel gennaio del 1981. La partitura sonora, così come quella visiva furono specificamente ideate dall’artista per quello spazio, mentre la coreografia nacque…

  • 1981 Νυκτοζ αγαλμα

    19 81 Nuctos Agalma In Nuctos Agalma (in ancient greek, Νυκτοζ αγαλμα,’delights of the nigth’) 1981 the rotation of the images about the axis of the work interacts with the circularity of the sound theme producing a  profound sense of visual and acoustic displacement[read]intensified by the projection of specially produced film material on irregular screens.…

  • 1980 Sans Mot Dire

    19 80 Sans Mot Dire (english version coming soon) L’installazione ambientale ’Sans Mot Dire’ fu presentata nell’ambito di un progetto speciale della Biennale di Venezia. Di seguito uno scritto dell’artista che accompagnava l’opera e uno stralcio di un’intervista rilasciata in quell’occasione alla RAI nell’ambito della trasmissione “I pensieri di King Kong”.[read]”Invertire il tempo dal presente…