2016 Promethèus



The video can be seen as a development of Artisti contro il nucleare, made by Ferruccio Ascari at the time of the Referendum in 2011[read]on the proposal to resume the production of nuclear power in Italy.
The visual material on which the artist draws is the same: an installation of slender figures made with metal wire, whose title – Sapiens – significantly alludes to the species to which they belong, its evolution, its achievements and the use that has been made of them over the course of history. An important feature of Prometheus is the soundtrack, Will be war soon?, a musical composition by Konstantin Trokay. The importance of the sound in this video is underlined by the darkness that accompanies many of the musical sequences: a darkness interrupted only by fleeting apparitions that seem to be the remains of a shattered world. The video, like the musical composition, raises questions about the future that may await us, and the use we human beings make of science and technology.[/read]

Promethèus, 04’55”, 2016 (teaser 0’33”)

[vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/162064054″ align=”center”]

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