Lingua: English

  • 2017 Rumore

    20 17 Rumore [Video] The seven minutes of Rumore (Noise) simply present, frame after frame, a barefoot man walking through the city centre of Milan without ever stopping. The flow of images is, however, constantly ‘disturbed’ by other images that are overlaid, a film-within-a-film that interrupts the first one.[read]This element of discontinuity consists of unexpected…

  • 2016 Falso Allarme

    20 16 Falso Allarme [Video] The video is a sort of camera obscura, where through a hole, which is simply our eye, a sequence of images unfolds at a dizzying pace.[read]They are images captured in motion from the window of a speeding train – our life? – that catch only fragments of a view deprived…

  • 2016 la freccia che colpisce il bersaglio vola per sempre Video

    20 16 La Freccia che Colpisce il Bersaglio Vola per Sempre [Video] The title The arrow that strikes the target flies forever refers to two videos – one of which is a loop – both based on a sculpture of the same title[read] by Ferruccio Ascari from 2007, made of four pieces of white terracotta. Each…

  • 2016 Muri

    20 16 Muri [Video] The video, like two others belonging to an earlier period – Promethèus and Artisti contro il nucleare (Artists against nuclear power) – conveys a strong political message,[read]starting with the title that alludes to a precise phase of recent history: the one marked by the migratory movements of populations victimized by war…

  • 2015 Quiescente Obliqua I

    20 15 Quiescente Obliqua 2015   The two videos – QO1 and QO2 – were made by Ferruccio Ascari from the visual and sound materials of the installation / dance-performance Quiescente Obliqua 1981-2015[read]presented at the exhibition Light: Science Cinema Art promoted by the University of Parma in 2015, proclaimed by the UNESCO International Year of…

  • 2015 Related Video: Vibractions 1978-2012

    20 15 Vibractions 1978-2012 [Video] Combining recent and archive footage, this video presents two different versions of Vibractions, installation/performance from 1978 presented in a new version in 2012 at Casa Anatta, Monte Verità,[read]on the occasion of a solo show of the artist at the Museum of Modern Art in Ascona. In Vibractions, installation/performance presented for…

  • 2015 affreschi strappati

    20 15 Frescoes Transferred To Canvas click here for a text by Giorgio Verzotti Untitled, fresco transferred to canvas, 90×100 cm, 2015 [A0238] Untitled, fresco transferred to canvas, 90×100 cm, 2015 [A0239] Untitled, fresco transferred to canvas, 90×100 cm, 2015 [A0240] Untitled, fresco transferred to canvas, 90×100 cm, 2015 [A0241]

  • 2015 Mano Armonica Video

    20 15 Mano Armonica [Video] Music score written on the hand fingers—executed for the first time in Milan in 1978 as part of the installation/performance Vibractions,[read]versions of this work were presented through 2012 in different locations. This video stems from a work from 1978 of the same title, composed of twentyfive photographs of the artist’s…

  • 2015 Memoriale Volubile Video

    20 15 Memoriale Volubile [Video] Memoriale Volubile , the 1st chapter of Restless Matter, takes its cue from an installation made by Ferruccio Ascari, in its first version in 2009 at Darmstadt, for a solo show at Museum Schloss Lichtenberg.[read]The work, in keeping with the characteristic process of the artist, was later developed in a…

  • 2014 impermanenza

    20 14 Impermanenza (english version coming soon) Senza impermanenza, la vita non sarebbe possibile : un seme non potrebbe crescere, un fiore non potrebbe trasformarsi in un frutto un bambino non potrebbe diventare adulto.[read]Anche la nostra personalità, il nostro io è solo un nome, che copre una moltitudine (un flusso) di elementi psicofisici in relazione…