2015 Quiescente Obliqua I




The two videos – QO1 and QO2 – were made by Ferruccio Ascari from the visual and sound materials of the installation / dance-performance Quiescente Obliqua 1981-2015[read]presented at the exhibition Light: Science Cinema Art promoted by the University of Parma in 2015, proclaimed by the UNESCO International Year of Light. Quiescente Obliqua was presented for the first time at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome in January 1981. The cornerstone of this work, exemplary of the climate of research of those years, is the interaction between different linguistic levels through the activation of a dense network of relationships between body movement, light, sound, and space. As in the 80’s, in this new version is on stage Gustavo Frigerio: his dancing body and his voice animate the score / architecture of luminous signs made by Ferruccio Ascari through the projection in the space of a set of slides obtained by drawing directly on the film: the projection ‘built’ a virtual environment. Visuals elements are intertwined to the suggestion of the voice work and the sound track produced, for this particular occasion, by the composer Nicola Ratti. These are also the fundamental elements of the two videos: through a restructuring of the visual and sound materials of the performance in 4 ‘and 11″ the protagonist makes a sort of journey through memory and time starting from the suggestions offered by some sentences extrapolated from the Ulysses of Joyce that, transformed by Ferruccio Ascari in writings of light, go through the scene like lightings.[/read]

click here for interview by Marco Marcon


Quiescente Obliqua. Dance performance, mixed media, Palazzo del Governatore, Parma, 2015 [PE0019]
Pictures by Donata Clovis

Quiescente Obliqua II. 04’12”, 2015 (teaser 01’14”)
Click here for the full video