2012 Casa Anatta


Casa Anatta
[Not Self]

In 2012, in the interiors of Casa Anatta, a unique house in Monte Verità, Switzerland, with inner walls entirely covered in wood, Ferruccio Ascari presented a new version of Vibractions, a sound installation first created in 1978.[read]Much like in the original version, harmonic strings were stretched from one side of the rooms to another, so that the inner space of the house became a musical instrument itself “played” by the artist. These four videos document the performance, held in 2012 in the house’s four room, in the form of a video-installation.
Anatta (“Not I” in Pali language) is the name of a unique house built in 1904 in Monte Verità, Switzerland. This was the main venue of the artistic, philosophical and spiritural movement which took place in Monte Verità from early to mid twentieth century.
Consistently with the artist’s typical creation process, the sound and visual material documenting the performance are the starting point of the video-installation Anatta (Non Io). The installation is composed of four videos reproducing as many rooms that give onto the central salon of the house. Every room, with harmonic strings running from one side to another, is transformed into a speaker box, a musical instrument “played” by the artist. The peculiar volumes of each room, entirely covered in wood, result into different resonances. Much like in the original installation from 1978, and the most recent version from 2012, the sound is literally generated by the environment, while the severe black and white images show a space that was closed for many years, suspended in time.[/read]

Casa Anatta [Non Io].Videoinstallation, 4 movies/4 different walls, 17’17”, Monte Verità, 2012 [PE0018]

[vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/236895876″ align=”center”]

Casa Anatta [Non Io]. Sound installation/performance, Monte Verità, 2012 [PE0018]


Performance’s score

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