2011 Compianto



In this video, as the title indicates, Ferruccio Ascari goes back to a subject that belongs to the tradition of Christian sacred art, namely the Lamentation of Christ,[read]a theme that begins in the 1300s with Giotto in the frescoes of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua and then becomes popular in Italian art over the next two centuries.
Once again the artist starts with visual material from two previous installations – Luogo Presunto (Presumed Place) and Sapiens – also used in two other videos in the site, Artisti contro il nucleare and Prometheus which are interconnected in a subterranean way. The fixed shot, short time span and singular soundtrack – a traditional Lucanian chant belonging to the genre of the lamentation – determine the character of this video whose theme – that of death – intertwines with that of pity and horror regarding the massacres perpetrated by human beings against other human beings.[/read]

[vc_column width=”2/3″ el_class=”.box1″]Compianto. 00’26”, 2011

[vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/141037666″ align=”center”]

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