Lingua: English

  • 2009 divertissement

    20 09 Divertissement Divertissement. Iron wire and sealing wax, 15×38 cm, 2009 [S0028]

  • 2004 Progetto Piazza

    20 04 Square Project

  • 2006 Omphalos disegni

    20 06 Omphalos I The idea of center as origin, the place from which infinite directions depart, or the infinitely small vanishing point, is found in the iron scultpure Omphalos,[read]a series of ink drawings with the same title, and La freccia che colpisce il bersaglio vola per sempre, a sculpture in white terracotta whose four…

  • 2007 apparente BiancoNero

    20 07 Bianco/Nero In the works on paper from this period, with a dizzying shift of perspective, the artist’s gaze is directed into a compositional plot that tends to erase distance,[read]in a near mingling, as if to fully know its innermost structure. But this is not just a case of “learning to see” things as…

  • 2007 apparente BiancoRosso

    20 07 Bianco/Rosso In the works on paper from this period, with a dizzying shift of perspective, the artist’s gaze is directed into a compositional plot that tends to erase distance,[read]in a near mingling, as if to fully know its innermost structure. But this is not just a case of “learning to see” things as…

  • 2007 Come fosse in ascolto

    20 07 Come Fosse in Ascolto The dialectic relationship between order-disorder, expansion-contraction, density-rarefaction, like the generative vitality of the form, are elements also found[read]in many sculptures in iron or terracotta made by the artist starting in 2006: Metameria (Metamerism), Come fosse in ascolto (As If Listening), Latte nero (Black Milk), Odradek, insiemi instabili (Unstable Sets),…

  • 2007 La Freccia che Colpisce il Bersaglio Vola per Sempre

    20 07 La Freccia che Colpisce il Bersaglio Vola per Sempre The idea of center as origin, the place from which infinite directions depart, or the infinitely small vanishing point, is found in the iron scultpure Omphalos,[read]a series of ink drawings with the same title, and La freccia che colpisce il bersaglio vola per sempre,…

  • 2007 Omphalos scultura

    20 07 Omphalos II The idea of center as origin, the place from which infinite directions depart, or the infinitely small vanishing point, is found in the iron scultpure Omphalos,[read]a series of ink drawings with the same title, and La freccia che colpisce il bersaglio vola per sempre, a sculpture in white terracotta whose four…

  • 2004 Arte nell’orto

    20 04 Arte Nell’Orto

  • 2004 Affreschi strappati

    20 04 Frescoes Transferred To Canvas click here for a text by Giorgio Verzotti L’Ordine Dura un Istante. Polyptych, fresco transferred to canvas, 8 elements 90×100 cm each, 2004 [A0196] Untitled. Detail, 2004 [A0053] Untitled. fresco transferred to canvas, 90×100 cm, 2004 [A0053] Untitled. Detail, 2004 [A0195] Untitled. fresco transferred to canvas, 90×100 cm, 2004 [A0195] Untitled. fresco transferred to canvas,…